Sunday, September 18, 2011

Che, It's a Thing

So when I was in Argentina, "che" was a thing that people said all the time, sort of like we say "like" all the time, but it didn't seem to mean a heck of a lot. HERE, however, che is THIS. I have not yet decided if this is a good thing or a bad thing. I had my first one very recently. It came in a tallish glass with ice, and milk that might have been soy or rice milk, and there were peanuts, and what I thought was corn but turned out to probably be lotus seeds, and then something gelatinous and chewy that was rumored to have been made from grapefruit peel but I really don't see how a grapefruit peel could have produced those gooey gummy worm type things. I sort of enjoyed it, but not enough to actually be able to finish it. Even the milk itself was kind of syrupy and gloopy, and in general was very unsettling, even if the flavor was good (this is going to be a theme, I think...good taste, unsettling texture).

I'm writing about this because I am at a cafe right now, and I ordered what seemed to be a pretty innocuous iced strawberry milk beverage. I was pretty excited for it, and proud of myself for stepping outside of the cafe and sinh to (fruit shake) box that most people stick to when they go to cafes here (although I do love me a good chanh da...iced lemonade, basically, but it's more like a caipirinha that they forgot to put alcohol into). Anyway, I get this thing, and it is NOT just an iced strawberry milk beverage. It has peanuts. And something gooey. And vaguely tastes like cheese maybe? Maybe? I would take a picture, but I forgot my camera, which I really should start bringing everywhere because you never know when something like this is going to happen. Anyway, I am going to gather my strength and see what comes of this. I should have just stuck to cafe.

UPDATE: Upon further reflection, I realized that the peanuts with the strawberry are just kind of like a PB&J so I shouldn't be too weirded out. Still tastes a bit like cheese, though.

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